ABOUT Coach Jen
I know how frustrating it is to have low energy and little success at changing things for your goals

Hi, I’m Jen Kates.
I’m different than most nutrition and fitness coaches because I work to help you make nutrition and fitness a sustainable lifestyle, not a quick-fix, even for busy people — like you — who feel like they don’t have the time or energy to focus on themselves. In fact, I’m much like you – let me explain:
Back in the late 2000s and 2010s, I was in a VERY different career.
I worked in biotech research, and I traveled almost every week for work, hopping around the world to visit hospitals and clinics. Sure, I made a high salary, but the “cost” was even higher for my health.
High stress, high blood pressure, high anxiety.
I hardly slept. It was rare for me to get more than 5-6 hours of sleep a night because I’d wake up in the middle of the night in a panic, unable to fall back to sleep.
I was moody. My workouts were falling apart. I wasn’t doing enough of the things I loved, like mountain biking and CrossFit.
I hurt. In every way.
But I came to the realization that something had to change.
I had to take a step back.
I had to shift the focus to myself.
I made small changes. I prioritized sleep and recovery, sometimes opting to skip a workout if I was exhausted or stress was overwhelming. My priorities changed.
I fueled my body with plenty of food, increasing my fat intake to support my hormonal health, along with increasing my carb intake to support my energy needs.
I meditated more often. I slept. I recovered.
Wow. So different from the hustle culture mentality of leaders with a large Instagram following.
By focusing my attention on myself, I gained more energy to focus on other people in my life. This helped me see improvement in my life and better help others. Crazy how that works, right?
I didn’t succeed until I focused on the things that really worked, which are the BASICS. When I focused on the basics and keeping it simple, I built the body and life that I needed in order to succeed in the other parts of my life, and I want to help do the same thing for you.
Simple steps bring you greater success. Let’s make these sustainable changes for your goals, together.
– Master Health Coach (Level 2, the highest level) from Precision Nutrition
– ACE Certified Health Coach (American Council on Exercise)
– Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine)
– Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification (PPSC) with Dr. John Rusin
– Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification in Programming
– Certified Level 1 Mountain Bike Coach, PMBIA (Professional Mountain Bike Instructor Association)
– Certified Mindfulness Instructor, MNDFL
– #Moderation365 Certified from JillFit (focusing on the physical and behavioral approaches to moderation in eating)
– CrossFit Level 2 Trainer since 2016
– CrossFit Level 1 Trainer since 2012
– Spinning Instructor since 2010 (let certification lapse since I no longer teach classes)
– ~20 credit hours of Master’s graduate coursework in Public Health from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
– BA from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro
– Countless continuing education credits and courses from a variety of educational providers including Precision Nutrition, ACE, NASM, and others.
– Pain-Free Performance Specialist Mobility Certification
– National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (in collaboration with the National Board of Medical Examiners)
Drop me a line here and I will be in touch shortly. If this form isn't working or you don't hear from me, drop me an email at jen@shifthumanperformance.com.
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Coaching your busy ass to unleash your inner badass on the bike, in the office, and in your life.
Live your full potential.
Are you ready?
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