Making Shift Happen

9. Do You Really Need to Walk 10k Steps Per Day?

Mar 15, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Making Shift Happen podcast logo to talk about 10k steps per day

Media and news outlets claim 10k steps per day is a must, but is it? Yes, walking is the most under-rated thing you can do for your health. But, do you really need to walk 10k steps per day, or there is a middle ground? In this episode, Jen talks about if 10k steps per day is enough or too much, and how you can get more steps in your daily life.

How are you going to change your walking habits?

I’d love to hear how you’re making an impact to your total steps per day. So, DM me on Instagram @shifthumanperformance to let me know.

About the Shred Stronger Strength Program for Mountain Biker

To any mountain bikers listening, I have an update for you: if you want to get stronger this season and are finally ready to put off the excuses, then you need to join my Shred Stronger strength program.

We start on Monday, March 29th. Click the link here to sign-up and show your interest: I’ll give you the details of the program when you sign-up (it’s all for only $49 a month or you can pay for 6 months at a reduced investment of $39 a month). Plus, a percentage of every program you buy goes right back as a donation to our trails every quarter.

This is the exact same training I do alongside you, because it works. So, stop doing a half-assed program. Stop program hopping all around by jumping to the next program. Instead, start doing ONE program that gives you something with a greater focus on what you actually need to train to increase your power. I can’t wait to see you in the Shred Stronger group! 

Reach Out to Me to Learn More

If you have any questions, send me an email at Or, follow me on Instagram @shifthumanperformance or on Facebook at

Lastly, visit to learn more about how I can help guide you from being a busy ass to more of a badass. Thanks for being here and supporting this podcast. Please share it with someone who needs some encouragement to move a little more each day to improve their health.


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