Making Shift Happen

A few of you were surprised to hear that I hadn't been sick since 2015 in last week's episode, so I wanted to share the top 3 ways you can prevent death and disease as best as you can. Is this everything? Nope. But, these three things will get you closer to living a...

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After a bout with COVID, now is a good time to talk about how to train after illness. Let's just say that after illness, some slow and steady training may be in order - and this could be a perfect time for the zone 2 training we've been talking about a lot lately!...

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After episode 106 on zone 2 training for endurance, I received a handful of some common questions that shared a common theme. I want to use this episode to help answer some of these questions for you so you can chase your zone 2 training with greater ease. Here's to...

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It's that time of year when goals may be slipping to the wayside, and you are left wondering what to do - or you just end up abandoning your goals altogether. Bloop. Instead of abandoning your goals, let's make sure you aren't doing these two things wrong. The good...

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The grind that is zone 2 endurance training is a GREAT training tool to add to your calendar on a regular basis in order to get the most out of your training. But, many people don't want to make the time for it, think they have to do it for HOURS on end, or they think...

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There has to be at least one reason you're not seeing progress, and it is time to get real with yourself. In this episode, I share the top three reasons you're not seeing progress - while it's not an all-inclusive list, it is enough to get you thinking about what you...

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Happy New Year, friend! I personally love the New Year since I look at it as a hopeful time of year. Like a fresh beginning. YOU get to dictate what you want to do with the year ahead. That can be equally exciting and nerve-wracking, though. The point of today's...

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Oftentimes, you may hear people say how using food as a coping mechanism is bad, or unhealthy. What if i told you it's okay? That it's even... natural? What isn't ideal is if you use food as your ONLY coping mechanism. Listen to this episode to learn other things you...

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Coaching your busy ass to unleash your inner badass on the bike, in the office, and in your life.

Live your full potential.

Are you ready?


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